Week 3 Update

By Twishaa & Laya

Hey Warriors! Hope you enjoyed the long weekend and had some time to recharge! Despite the snow, our warriors have still made excellent progress by putting in effort during the extended weekend. Rain or snow, our team is still pushing forward regardless of any obstacles. Our mechanical team has been “working on the bumpers for the competition bot, and making the base for both the competition and practice robot,” as Aarnna Sachdev shared. Although the competition season is underway, the practice robot is still important to the team as it is utilized by newer and less experienced team members to help them learn the fundamentals and get comfortable with driving the robot. The electrical team has continued to work on the CAD design for the electrical panel. The manufacturing team got a new 3D printer today leveling up our innovation and creation ability! They’ve “gotten a couple panels out” and are gearing up to start prototyping soon(Aditi Gokhale). It’s important that they were able to complete and finalize these panels, as it helps monitor the progress of the robots. Time is ticking and every step counts during competition season! The programming team has continued to implement Limelight’s camera and they plan to use code for estimations. Miracle Aigbogun, a member of the programming subteam, shared that so far “we’ve gotten it to move in a straight line” and “we’re currently troubleshooting the distance”. Our strategy officer, Mae Chen, has been working with the CAD team to create a final robot design and they’re “trying to finalize the [version] 2” design of the robot. The CAD team continued to work over the freeze days and redesigned the robot where “we changed how the hand-off works and how the pitcher works”(Mae Chen). Our operations team is continuing their work on applying for the Impact Award. They’ve created a storyboard and script for the video. They’ve gathered the majority of the clips for the video and have just begun editing. See you next week! 🤖❄️

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