By Twishaa & Laya
Our warriors have continued to stay hard at work during the new season. The sub teams have made major progress. First, our CAD team has been working on designing the robots for our competition season. As Mihir Gannavarapu, our team president mentioned, “We’re 50% done with version 1 and we’re aiming to have it completed in half a week. The team is focused and prepared to finish the initial design phase as soon as possible. The mechanical subteam has been building the competition robot. Many members in the mechanical subteam have been utilizing our EveryBot as a way to learn and gain experience before working on the competition robot. They’ve been operating on “swerve motors for the comp bot and making a deep dive climber,” which will be a vital component during the competition (Dharmik Shetty) . Our programming team has been working diligently behind the scenes to ensure a successful robot launch. Kevin Pfeffer, the programming officer stated that “We’re working on getting limelight working and getting the subsystem created before we get our hands on the actual robot.” The team is working to create a foundation by pre-writing code and preparing useful softwares, ensuring proper success once we obtain the physical robot. Our electrical team has been focused on constructing the intricate design panel. The team is working meticulously to guarantee that everything ranging from accessibility and functionality is working smoothly.
To us, FIRST Robotics is more than just building robots, it’s also about connecting with the younger generation and helping others explore opportunities within the fields of robotics. We value the important connections we make with the community and our involvement. Throughout our years as a team, we have strived to increase STEM and robotics awareness with the younger generation. To highlight our influence on our community, these past few weeks our operations team has been working on applying for the Impact Award. This award focuses on acknowledging teams that have made significant contributions to their communities. This award consists of an executive summary section, an essay, a 2-3 minute video, an in-person presentation at the competition. The entire operations team including the finance and fundraising subteam, media and marketing subteam, and the outreach subteam has been working on this award. We have created a timeline and wrote the majority of the script for our video. For the next couple weeks, our operations team plans to continue working on and completing the application during February.