By Twishaa and Laya
Hey Warriors! It’s week 4 of the competition season and our warriors have continued to make remarkable progress.
The mechanical team has continued working on creating the bumpers along with training new people. The training is an integral part of building as it ensures sustainable growth of the team’s talent in future.They’ve been attaching different arms to the robot and have started implementing the CAD design on the practice robot. This guarantees that they will be able to test and modify different mechanisms to verify the functionality of these designs before adding them to the competition robot.The CAD team is nearly complete with the robot design and they’re now focused on making minor adjustments including “making panels to protect the electrical [components] and adding sensor mounts” (Abhinav Reddy Permulla).The electrical team has been “working on wiring the robot for the practice bot” and is “currently thinking of redesigning everything for the electrical panel,” to improve its efficiency for the competition robot (Abbie Osuna). The programming team has been focused on integrating the AdvantageKit application, which allows us to log data from our robot to help recognize and review any malfunctions. The manufacturing team is currently concentrated on redefining the actual competition robot, devoting their time to cutting panels and making major improvements. See you next week Warriors!